Oak Harbor High School’s Island Program recognizes students who go above and beyond each month. These students of the month, now called Shipmates of the Month, were recognized by their teachers for November.
Shipmate of the Month for Battleship Island is JJ Abides. His teachers said that he is a man of few words who demonstrates the qualities a Student of the Month at Oak Harbor High School demands. He is dedicated to learning and achieving his goals. He also goes out of his way to make the class run smoothly and assist others as a conscientious and a hard worker who sets a good example for others.
Castle Island recognized Hannah Gluth as a very hard worker who pays close attention to detail and completeness. She helps others who struggle with learning the content presented in class. She is a true leader who is very motivated and cares about her education.
Fortress Island recognized Dejsha Lollar, a hardworking student who takes her academic responsibilities very seriously and clearly understands the importance of personal accountability. She consistently contributes insightful ideas to class discussions and demonstrates much enthusiasm for learning. In addition, she is an excellent role model for her peers; her leadership skills and empathy for others will certainly enable her to accomplish both academic and personal success.
Justice Island recognized Thomas O’Brien, a respectful, courteous and insightful student who works hard in all of his classes. In English class, his amiable disposition and kindness toward others offers comfort during literary group activities. In science, he scored very high on the quarter final, showing he has exceeded the science standards, and in math class he earned a Mathlete shirt for solving a difficult problem. He consistently chooses academics as a focus and his efforts and commitment continually shine.
Skull Island recognized Zach Jones. Jones has an infectious personality; his presence automatically increases the enthusiasm in a classroom in a positive way. He asks great questions, works diligently to complete assignments and is eager to help others as well as to ask others for help when needed.
The Island Program helps ninth-grade students transition from middle school academics to the responsibilities and academics of high school.