Oak Harbor joins suit against I-722

The City of Oak Harbor has joined with many other cities across the state in a second lawsuit against Initiative 722.

“The City of Oak Harbor has joined with many other cities across the state in a second lawsuit against Initiative 722.The first lawsuit was brought by a group of cities and counties. A Thurston County judge ruled in their favor last week and slapped an injunction on I-722. But the judge ruled that the injunction only applies to the jurisdictions involved in the lawsuit.Oak Harbor City Attorney Phil Bleyhl said most people expected the injunction to apply to the entire state. But since it doesn’t, he said cities and counties that would be affected are rushed to join the new lawsuit, which deadlined Wednesday.An injunction means that the initiative will not be enforced until after a high court, likely the state Supreme Court, rules on its constitutionality.The city joined a lawsuit Wednesday. Bleyhl said the city seeks preliminary injunction only, but will likely not be involved in higher court briefs because of the expense involved. He had no estimate of what the preliminary injunction will cost the city.If I-722 is upheld in a high court, it will mean about $500,000 more would have to be cut out of the city budget. That’s on top of the current $540,00 that city leaders are struggle to chop away now.Luckily for the city, I-722 isn’t expected to hold up in court for many of the same constitutional reason that got last year’s I-695 thrown out. “