There is apparently such a thing as a free lunch — at least if you’re a student in the Oak Harbor School District.
This summer, the district plans to provide free lunches for children ages 5-18.
The lunches are available to all children regardless of family income. The program is intended to make sure tummies stay full when children don’t have access to the school cafeteria.
“It’s priceless for a child to know they can get a healthy lunch every day, rain or shine,” said Ken Harrison, the district’s nutrition services director.
“The program provides security to kids and families. Children receive a nutritious meal and they can enjoy it in the company of their peers, so it’s fun too.”
Sample menus include a mix of mostly cold food, such as sandwiches, veggies and dip, fresh fruit and string cheese. Some days there are hot lunch kid-friendly favorites such as pizza, corn dogs and French toast sticks.
The district is working with the Boys & Girls Club of Oak Harbor and potentially Whidbey Island Naval Air Station to make the program happen.
To start, the meals will be served using the the Boys & Girls Club at the Roller Barn which can accommodate about 140 children. Other locations may become available if the Navy can get approval to use Navy housing community centers.
The program will run Monday through Friday, from Monday, June 22, through Aug. 28. No lunches will be served July 6-10, which is a holiday break.
Food will be delivered to each of the locations between 11 a.m. and noon, and lunchtime will depend on the location.
Service is available for 30 to 45 minutes, and children need to eat lunch on the premises. Families can check the district website for specific times at
The program is paid for by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
This is the first year the district offered the program.