Oak Harbor shines new light on itself

Chamber of Commerce launches modern publication

Deviating from the scope and design of past Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce publications, the organization’s community profile and directory underwent major cosmetic surgery this year, emerging as a stand-alone product focused solely on the city.

The chamber opted for a more myopic approach, having determined through research that the whole of Whidbey Island and Island County already received comprehensive coverage in other printed resources.

“We really have some great publications that talk about the island and county as one entity, but because of Oak Harbor’s size and the movement of families in and out of our community, the chamber really believed that it was time we started to tell our own story,” explained Chamber Director Jill Johnson.

What the chamber desired was an aesthetically pleasing yet highly informational guide and directory that conveyed the organization’s vision and goals.

“We wanted something that can easily be handed to prospective residents, businesses and something that even current members of our community would find helpful,” Johnson said.

Every chamber member business is listed alphabetically in the back of the publication, at once a consolidated resource and effective means to build name recognition in the community.

“We are always looking for ways to remind residents of the variety of shops, services and industries available right here at home, and we continually strive for opportunities to support our member businesses who show their investment in the community by supporting the chamber,” Johnson said.

With the quality look and feel of a magazine, the community profile offers an overview of the North Whidbey community.

“When you see everything that Oak Harbor offers all pulled together in one location, it really is impressive,” Johnson added. “From health care to higher education, public transportation to community amenities like the library and the pool, and then you combine it with our connectivity to the mainland, we really are a unique Island community.”

Researching and ultimately producing the directory was a multi-month undertaking for the chamber, which gladly accepted help from the city of Oak Harbor and the Economic Development Council to ensure an accurate representation of the local economy. The involved process proved enlightening for the chamber director.

“What surprised me most was the level of access we have to higher education,” Johnson said. “Obviously Skagit Valley College comes immediately to mind, but we also have Chapman University, Columbia College and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University available on base, not to mention the classes Western Washington University offers locally. It’s very impressive for a town our size to have so many resources.”

The 60-page glossy is chockfull of local images, while delving into a variety of topics, including housing, business, education, health care, worship, transportation, and recreation.

“The hardest part has been realizing all the great things Oak Harbor offers that we didn’t have a chance to emphasize,” Johnson said. “But it’s the first publication and I think it represents Oak Harbor well, which is not to say that I haven’t already started a list of things we need to feature next year.

“There’s so much happening here, you almost need a publication like this to come out every month.”

Copies of the profile are available at the chamber office, Albertsons, and other coffee shops and real estate offices around town.