Oak Harbor to do away with its economic development coordinator

The council decided that the position, paid mostly by American Rescue Plan funds, won’t be renewed.

The Oak Harbor City Council decided that the economic development coordinator position, a two-year assignment paid mostly by American Rescue Plan funds, will not be renewed.

The discussion occurred during a budget amendment process, one of the items being $12,300 from the economic development reserve to fund this position through the end of the year. In a 6-1 vote, the amendment was approved.

Councilmember Shane Hoffmire was the sole nay vote over concerns of lack of transparency regarding the mayor’s salary adjustment, which was an item unrelated to the overall amendment the council was voting on.

While earlier this month the council seemed unanimous in not funding the economic development coordinator position through the end of the year when the city did not plan on renewing it, at the recent meeting Mayor Pro Tem Tara Hizon said that they have learned that the position was advertised as a two-year assignment.

“That was the deal, so I want to make sure I stick with the deal,” she said.

The position had been attempted multiple times in the past, Hizon said, and the city didn’t get the results they were looking for. When the city received funding through the federal American Rescue Plan Act, the council thought it was another opportunity to give the position a try.

Admittedly, she added, the position had ill-defined goals.

Steve McCaslin, who holds the position, met with around 40 Oak Harbor businesses in his first year which brought up a variety of issues they are facing.

According to David Kuhl, development services director, McCaslin has corresponded with Oak Harbor’s businesses and found their most pressing concerns, which are homelessness and staffing.

The council seemed unanimous that this is not enough to justify funding. Councilmember Eric Marshall said that these issues are likely not a surprise to anyone who lives in Oak Harbor.

“I remember distinctly saying if this position basically just creates a bunch of nice stuff on a website that it would not be something I support in the future,” said Councilmember Bryan Stucky.