Oak Harbor to host virtual seminars on Business and Occupation Tax

One piece of the puzzle of ensuring a future for the marina is a tax on high-earning businesses.

One piece of the puzzle of ensuring a future for the Oak Harbor Marina is a tax on high-earning businesses. Because of this, the city will host two virtual talks on the subject next week.

Recent open houses at City Hall have revealed that the 50-year-old marina is facing silting costs and failing infrastructure.

David Goldman, deputy city administrator, will address how and if businesses owners would be effected. So far, conversations have implied the business and occupation tax would only affect businesses with a high revenue threshold, such as those that bring in over $5 million a year.

According to a recent press release, city leaders feel this would have a minimal impact on the overall business community.

To receive the link to the seminars on 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 18, reach out to Magi Aguilar at maguilar@oakharbor.org or 360-279-4501.