Oak Harbor’s annual fantastic Fourth filled with fun

Independence Day is a time of nationwide celebration, and Whidbey Island is no exception. Oak Harbor has held its Fourth of July parade for decades, and it’s always been a popular event.

Independence Day is a time of nationwide celebration, and Whidbey Island is no exception. Oak Harbor has held its Fourth of July parade for decades, and it’s always been a popular event.

“The best part about it is that it is a full day of family fun,” said Kathy Reed, executive director of the Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce.

“Something that the whole family can do together.”

People from all across the island descend upon Oak Harbor for the day’s parade, carnival and nighttime fireworks show, sponsored by businesses and residents in Oak Harbor.

This year’s grand sponsor is Whidbey Coffee.

People are known to plan vacations to Whidbey Island specifically for the Independence Day festivities.

“There just aren’t that many celebrations like ours, especially ones that have a good fireworks show at the end of the day,” said Reed.

The great part about Oak Harbor’s celebration is that the festivities start at 7 a.m. and last until almost midnight, and that “there’s something for everyone,” Reed said.

Visitors go from the fun of the parade to a relaxing day at Windjammer Park and, at the end of the day, “you get to cap it off with a fantastic fireworks show.”

Schedule for this year’s Oak Harbor Fourth of July celebration at Windjammer Park is filled with contests, events, fundraisers and shows.


Fourth of July events

The following are Fourth of July celebrations planned on Whidbey Island:

Thursday, July 3

4-10:30 p.m., Freeland’s Celebrate America, located at Freeland Park. The event includes food vendors and live entertainment by bands and individual performers, starting at 6 p.m. At 10 p.m., there will be a patriotic presentation, including the playing of the National Anthem and “God Bless America,” followed by a fireworks show at 10:20 p.m.

7-8 p.m., Oak Harbor First United Methodist Church’s Chancel Choir will present its annual musical celebration of God and country.

Friday, July 4

7-10 a.m., Oak Harbor events kick off with a Rotary Pancake Breakfast at First United Methodist Church.

10-11 a.m., the Super Hero 5K Run/Walk Fundraiser will start at Windjammer Park in Oak Harbor. To register, visit eventbright.com or active.com

10 a.m. to 6 p.m., the vendor marketplace will open at Windjammer Park and Pioneer Way in Oak Harbor.

11 a.m to 12:30 p.m., the Oak Harbor Sherwin-Williams Grand Parade will start on Pioneer Way. This year’s parade grand marshal is businessman and former mayor Jim Slowik.

12-2 p.m., the annual South Whidbey Maxwelton Day Parade in Clinton starts at Maxwelton Beach.

2 p.m., Oak Harbor will have a Pet Parade on Pioneer Way.

6-10 p.m., live music performed by Jacobs Road and Pain ‘N Full will start at Windjammer Park in Oak Harbor.

10:30-11:30 p.m., Oak Harbor’s Fourth of July Fireworks show will start at Windjammer Park.