Official Seahawks booster club kicks off on Whidbey

After taking the pulse of Seattle Seahawks fans across Whidbey Island during the NFL postseason, Kory Dyer was encouraged by the healthy support. The support was so strong he decided to take the necessary steps to make Whidbey Island part of the Seahawks’ official booster club.

After taking the pulse of Seattle Seahawks fans across Whidbey Island during the NFL postseason, Kory Dyer was encouraged by the healthy support.

The support was so strong he decided to take the necessary steps to make Whidbey Island part of the Seahawks’ official booster club.

On Feb. 12, the Sea Hawkers approved Whidbey Island as a new chapter, and the Whidbey Island Sea Hawkers (W.I.S.H.) were born.

The club’s first meeting is April 9 at China City Restaurant in Oak Harbor.

“There weren’t a whole lot of hoops to jump through,” Dyer said. “It was more of just waiting to hear from headquarters.”

Whidbey is one of 38 chapters of the Sea Hawkers.

All it took to become an official chapter was a minimum of 15 members to sign up, a $50 chapter fee, a name, meeting place and club plans.

Dyer, a 2002 Oak Harbor High School graduate who is a manager at China City, organized three major Seahawks rallies in Oak Harbor, Coupeville and Clinton during the Seahawks’ run to the Super Bowl.

It was so much fun, he said, that he wanted to stay connected with Whidbey-based fans outside of the season. The booster club seemed like the logical option.

Membership is about 20 so far. To join, there is a $15 fee or $25 for a family of four.

Those interested should email Dyer, who is the club’s president, at

To learn more about the Sea Hawkers, go to