On Whidbey: Senior Center remains in good hands

Woman in motion...

Woman in motion…

Late in May, ROXANN DUNN-TERRY chaired the spring conference of the Washington State Association of Senior Centers, welcoming 80 professionals into our own Senior Center.

Two weeks later, Roxann and her husband JIM helped escort 70 senior citizens on a trip throughout the Canadian Maritimes and Nova Scotia. At least 30 of those travelers were from Whidbey.

Then came news of the resignation of HOWARD THOMAS as Senior Services Administrator and Roxann’s appointment as Interim Senior Services Manager.

No need to worry. The Senior Center is in good hands. Roxann and her staff and volunteers can tap dance backwards in high heels, they’re that good.

Task Force thanked…

Here comes the Growler. I was hoping the name wouldn’t stick, but I guess I can live with it now that the follow-on aircraft to the EA-6B Prowler, the EA-18G, will be based here.

One group, who unfortunately must show restraint until the official base closure list comes out, is the Whidbey Task Force, honored guests at a thank you party held at the home of Navy League president JOE MOSOLINO and his wife LAURIE. The Task Force worked behind the scenes to save Oak Harbor’s place as a premier military community

In attendance were former mayor AL KOETJE, chair; BARNEY BEEKSMA; BILL MASSEY; commissioner MAC McDOWELL; retired Navy Capt. JIM McKENZIE; DAVE JOHNSON; representative BARRY SEHLIN; ED BEEKSMA; and Retired Rear Adm. LYLE BULL.

McDowell recalled that when Whidbey was on the closure list in 1991, $110,000 was raised in 10 days to keep the Task Force Committee at work. It paid off.

Away for a sail in the San Juans, BETH and LARRY MUNNS sent a note that read, “There is something special about a small community that sticks together to tackle a problem. Thanks go to so many that contributed a part to the finished plan.”

Beautiful bowls…

Remember a few months back when we asked people to volunteer to plant and tend to the large flower bowls placed around town? HELEN MOSBROOKER of the Oak Harbor Garden Club announced the winners at last week’s Chamber of Commerce meeting.

Most Patriotic Bowl was prepared by JILL JOHNSON of Whidbey Island Bank; Most Colorful Bowls (the second two on the right in front of City Hall) were designed by BEN and KAREN BUNNELL; Most Creative Bowl came from Harbor Pride’s GWEN PIERCE and is seen in front of the ‘Y’ on Pioneer Way. Grand Prize produced a tie between Harbor Pride and Midway Florist, the first two bowls in front of City Hall.

Did someone say ‘party?…’

As a way to honor the military men and women stationed here and to welcome the new squadron, VQ-2, there will be a free party at City Beach on Sept. 10, sponsored by the City of Oak Harbor, the Chamber and Navy League. Last year, over 2,000 people attended. Details to follow.

Loosen up…

Having a hard time thinking outside the box? Then by all means sign up for one of these not-so-ordinary summer classes at the COUPEVILLE ARTS CENTER.

GABOR SVAGRIK’s class on oils and pastel en plein air and studio runs Aug. 1-5; Tie-Dye as Fine Art with MICHAEL FOWLER is set for on Aug. 6 and 7; and ARCHIE BRENNAN and SUSAN MARTIN MAFFEI teach Early Norwegian Tapestry.

There’s more, including classes in stone carving and raku clay techniques. Call RANDY EMMONS at 360-678-3396.

Veterans say ‘thanks…’

ALLEN BARNEY, Commander DAV Chapter 47, sends a big “Thanks!” for contributions made to the “Forget-Me-Not” drive on May 20.

“One of the most visible services supported by your donations are vans that take vets from Oak Harbor, Anacortes and points along the I-5 corridor to the Seattle VA hospital at no cost to them,” he said. “Volunteers and other veterans drive these vans Monday through Friday, except holidays, year around.

“The DAV is your advocate,” Barney continued. “We will review facts and circumstances of claims, and see that each claim is properly filed and monitored through the VA claims process. Hospital beds, wheel chairs and walkers are also available to those in need.”

The local Disabled America Veterans office is in building 13 on the Seaplane Base. Call 360-257-4801 to get help or offer yours.


Let’s keep in touch. Call me at 360-675-6611 or write to lifeonwhidbey@yahoo.com. Notes can be dropped off at Whidbey News-Times.