Heather Fakkema, a ninth-grader at Coupeville High School, served as a legislative page in the state House of Representatives in…
Students navigate with Palm Pilots
Two local officials are in Washington, D.C. this week to talk with congressional representatives and Department of Defense decision-makers in an effort to keep Whidbey Island Naval Air Station off any future base closure list.
From all outward appearances it looks like March will be coming in like a lamb, let’s just hope that it…
The winners are … ?
Still being tallied. A committee is sorting through chowder-smeared ballots and calculating the points. The 2002 Mussel Chowder-Off Contest and Recipe Contest winners will be announced March 14, at the Central Whidbey Chamber of Commerce meeting, at 8 a.m. Call 678-5434.
It doesn’t get any easier for the Oak Harbor Wildcats.
There’s a sure-fire way to distinguish between the two major modes of classic Elizabethan drama.
Today I received an insert in my utility bill.
The city of Oak Harbor got a full-time city administrator during a special city council meeting Wednesday.
A North Whidbey Middle School teacher was arrested Tuesday for allegedly inappropriately touching a 12-year-old student, Oak Harbor Police Cpt….
Islanders quietly help their fellow man, woman and child
Being surrounded by water has many advantages, especially for the seafood lover. One big advantage is that when other seasons…
By JESSIE STENSLAND Staff reporter A North Whidbey Middle School teacher was arrested Tuesday for allegedly inappropriately touching a 12-year-old…