Peggy Moore of Coupeville celebrated her birthday with family and close friends at a party hosted by her daughter Laura Moore and her husband Rick Almberg as well as three of Laura’s children, Nicholas, Courtney and Allison. Among the guests were Peggy’s daughter Cassie and her husband Jim from Ellensburg along with their children Nora and husband Jim, as well as May Ann and her fiance. Also present were Charlie and Joyce Davies of Seattle. Before the party, Rick and Laura took Peggy and her husband Greer for a lovely cruise between Coupeville and Oak Harbor.
Whidby Island Lodge No. 15 F&AM will hold their annual Sweethearts Dinner Friday, Feb. 15 in Coupeville beginning at 6:30 p.m. Entertainment will be provided by Points of View, a barbershop quartet from Anacortes.
Twenty Whidbey snowbirds met for a potluck dinner party in Palm Desert, Calif., to watch the Super Bowl. It was the first time the whole Whidbey contingent has gotten together this year so it was a wonderful reunion and everyone had a good time.
Beverly Potter and Lois and Jim Repose have been vacationing in Tarpon Springs, Fla. Bev’s husband Ned stayed home to work on his golf game.
Dick and Mollie Hopper, along with Roger and Connie Leonhardi, have returned after soaking up the sunshine in Hawaii and having a wonderful time.
Twenty-one students and adults from First Church fed and clothed nearly 300 men and women on the streets of Seattle on a recent Sunday afternoon. When the chicken soup gave out, the students bought more with their own money. Seven gallons of coffee accompanied the food. Plans are being made for another visit to Seattle in February.