PEOPLE & PLACES: Many people serve their communities

Read about your friends and neighbors

Brian Vagt, a ninth grader at Oak Harbor Home Connection and Coupeville High School, recently served as a legislative page in the state House of Representatives. He was sponsored by state Rep. Barbara Bailey, R-Oak Harbor. Vagt, 15, the son of Gerard G. and Lynne G. Vagt of Oak Harbor, served as a page the week of March 16-21. As a page, Vagt observed the Legislature in action and was responsible for delivering messages and documents to legislators in their offices, committee meetings and in the House Chamber during floor sessions. He also continued his studies for two hours a day at a “page school” at the Capitol. Pages live with volunteer host families while in Olympia. Interested in becoming a page? Visit the House home page at

Island County Historical Society Museum is happy to announce it has three new volunteer staff positions filled. Paula Rounds will now serve as its new education coordinator, Diana Walti as public relations, and Jackie Feusier-Walck will help out as the volunteer coordinator. The museum is proud to boast “these ladies have hit the ground running and we are very lucky to have them working with us.”

A proud mom and dad would like to congratulate Mindy Ransford, a 1998 Oak Harbor High School graduate. Ransford recently graduated from Western Washington University with a bachelor’s degree in journalism/public relations. Way to go Mindy!

Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class April M. Jennings, a 2001 graduate of Oak Harbor High School, is half way through a scheduled six-month deployment while assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Harry Truman, home ported in Norfolk, Va.

Flowers and trees are bursting into bloom and local garden clubs have been busy rejuvenating parks. We hope local planners will include parks, large and small, when town limits are extended. Parks are important for everyone — current residents and those who will live here later.

Navy Seaman Apprentice Patricia Harvey, a 1994 graduate of Oak Harbor High School, recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Ill. During the eight-week program, Harvey and fellow recruits completed a variety of training which peaked in “Battle Stations.” The capstone exercise gives recruits the confidence and key skills they need to graduate and take to the fleet.

Navy Fireman Lloyd W. Dieckman, son of Carol J. and Byron L. Dieckman of Oak Harbor, is currently in the Arabian Gulf supporting the global war on terrorism while assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk, forward deployed to Yokosuka, Japan. Dieckman joined the Navy in April 2001.

Navy Airman Jose A. Morris, son of Milagros and Edward R. Morris of Oak Harbor, is also currently in the Arabian Gulf while assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk, forward deployed to Yokosuka, Japan. Morris is a 1998 graduate of Oak Harbor High School and joined the Navy in May 2001.