A Christmas wish for my mother that the person who walked off with our family Christmas ornaments will do the right thing.
Our family has gone through many sad personal losses this past year but we still have each other which is the most precious gift of all. My parents have been married many years and many memories have accumulated through these years.
Several days ago the Grinch stole Christmas. Three generations of memories and mementos of Christmas’ past were swept away by someone who probably thought they were were just stealing stuff frim someone who lives in a nice house.
No one loves Christmas more than my mother. She is a very gentle, tender person who cherishes family. The person that did this should be ashamed of himself.
It’s sad to think that a person’s garage door cannot be left open in the Coupeville area.
This person did not just steal stuff, but gentle bits of treasured family memories. I especially remember the small manger, a family life-like papier-mache animals that had what seemed to me as a child, fuzzy worn fur. I think it was my grandfather’s and I looked forward to it being passed on to me one day.
In the current state of such tremendous loss in our country, this might seem something of small importance. But it is this great loss our nation has experienced that makes this tender loss so much more hurtful.
If the person that did this could find it in their heart to return the green storage bin of three generations of Christmas memories, or would let us know where it could be retrieved, no questions would be asked.
Susan Hoeflein lives in Renton.