Here we go again folks. The second letter in three weeks from the infamous Ann Adams (Letters, Nov. 10, “Bush chooses a crueler nation”). Ann, you and other liberals’ vile hatred for our commander-in-chief and the Republican party is one reason the Republicans are enjoying the White House, plus a majority in the Congress and Senate. We may even get a Republican governor in the state.
You address the President with the word Bush instead of President Bush, with no respect. I never once wrote a letter to the editor in regards to former President Bill Clinton, even though he could have killed Bin Laden after the first attack in 1996 on New York, and saved 3,000 lives on Sept. 11, because he had the opportunity. I never hated the man, even though he lied to the American people on national TV.
Here you are already looking at the 2006 election. Give us a break! It’s people like you that are killing the Democrat party. You sit in the coziness of your home on Whidbey Island, without a care in the world, and no threat of ever being hurt by a terrorist as one would fear living in a big city. The hatred for our President, yes your President too, Ann, shows how evil some of you folks are by vandalizing GOP campaign signs on the island. My letter in response to you, dated Sept. 15, 2004, stated that by yours and others’ hatred for our President, the Republicans would enjoy another four years with president Bush and see a McCain/Gulianni ticket in 2008.
You need to find a constructive way to channel your anger and hatred by maybe donating some of you typing time for a good cause. Maybe you are trying to make a name for yourself as the most liberal and hateful person in Island County. Well, you got my vote.
William Ludlow
Oak Harbor