We need term limits on all officials. If you don’t perform, out you go. No more “anointments.†We’re not electing popes.
All retirement pay for officials should be no more than what their military counterparts receive, no full pay for life. They can write a book or go on speaking tours. No more Secret Service protection for ex politicos. If their past performance makes them think they need protection, issue them a concealed weapons permit. Think of your tax money that alone would save.
Most important though, is an easy and logical way to eliminate crime. Singapore does it to eliminate nearly all their crime by merely using that built in alarm system we all have. It’s our ability to relate pain resulting from doing something stupid. If the news were to show a caning on national TV, showing what a criminal will receive if committing a crime, rest assured crime would all but disappear and the cost of crime to taxpayers would plummet.
Cruel and unusual? Get real, you wimps. Is it unusual to feel pain if you put your hand on a hot stove? Is it cruel that we were born with that alarm system? A good caning and turn them loose so we don’t have to pay for their free room and board, free medical and dental, cable TV and even head-of-the line privileges for organ transplants.
Ever see what’s called cage fighting? Now that’s a really civil advancement for our culture. Pornography declared to be free speech. Another civil advancement by our sublime court justices that gave a free pass to pedophiles and perverts.
So how much longer will all of you who aren’t mentally limited in your ability to see logic and some common sense put up with these problems that are bringing America to its knees? A few of these changes and the country might just be saved from total collapse
when ignored too long it will be too late. May God help us all.
Matt Burns
Oak Harbor