Postal carriers to ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ Saturday

The Coupeville and Greenbank post offices are partnering with Gifts from the Heart food bank Saturday, May 10, to “Stamp Out Hunger.” Just leave non-perishable food donations by your mailbox Saturday and your mail carrier will collect the items and deliver them to the Coupeville food bank.

The Coupeville and Greenbank post offices are partnering with Gifts from the Heart food bank Saturday, May 10, to “Stamp Out Hunger.”

Just leave non-perishable food donations by your mailbox Saturday and your mail carrier will collect the items and deliver them to the Coupeville food bank.

In its 22nd year, Stamp Out Hunger is the country’s largest single-day food drive.

Gifts from the Heart president Molly Hughes said the event used to be the food bank’s largest food drive, but now Coupeville High School has claimed top bill.

“It has the potential to be huge,” Hughes said. “It’s a good time of year because shelves are low from the holidays.

“It’s really a great time of the year to have an important food drive.”

Gifts from the Heart food bank serves 100-110 families in Coupeville and Greenbank. It disperses food on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, with the exception of December, when food is dispersed the first and third Wednesdays.

“We always love getting protein,” Hughes said, “canned tuna, chicken and salmon and peanut butter.”

Canned entrees such as heavy stews and soups are good items for donation because families can make a meal of them.

The food bank also serves 43 kids in 21 families at Coupeville elementary and middle schools through the Meals2Kids program.

Started this school year, Meals2Kids provides food to needy students on a weekly basis.

“The program’s going really well,” Hughes said. “We’ve been able to fine-tune our shopping.”

Items ideal for the Meal2Kids program include boxes of single -serve oatmeal, canned ravioli and other pasta dishes, and granola and breakfast bars.

Coupeville Post Master Brian Wade said if people miss getting donations to their mail carrier, they can call the post office and he will make arrangements to get the food.

There will also be donation bins at both post offices for customers with PO boxes.

