Postal service seeks out junk mail

In my ongoing campaign against junk mail, I have found a new culprit: The US Postal Service itself. The USPS is currently conducting a “direct mail” campaign to get more businesses to flood our mailboxes with garbage that we can’t refuse nor opt out of. The post office will tell you to go to It’s a lie. They already know that, because it’s not addressed to you, you can’t opt out (according to Brian at the Oak Harbor Post Office).

In my ongoing campaign against junk mail, I have found a new culprit: The US Postal Service itself.

The USPS is currently conducting  a “direct mail” campaign to get more businesses to flood our mailboxes with garbage that we can’t refuse nor opt out of. The post office will tell you to go to It’s a lie. They already know that, because it’s not addressed to you, you can’t opt out (according to Brian at the Oak Harbor Post Office).

Also, the USPS is offering this campaign to send direct mail (the proper word is junk mail to everyone but the post office) at dirt cheap rates. This is while they are raising the rates on regular mail. How hypocritical can you get? It should be the junk mailers who pay more, not the American taxpayer.

The purpose of this campaign is to prop up a dying and (soon to be) bankrupt postal system. Instead of shutting down more post offices and conducting layoffs, they attack the people who use the system the least — us.

Let’s get enraged enough to contact our congressional representatives and tell them to right this wrong! If the American people continue to take a laissez faire attitude toward this, the USPS will continue to abuse the American people and wreak havoc on the environment.

Tony Minich
Oak Harbor