Present swim coaches are doing just fine

I am glad to see the Whidbey News-Times published this story (“Coach investigated in Oak Harbor is charged in California,” June 20) because the public in Oak Harbor needs to know about this especially if there are any other victims that may now come forward.

However, I hope the public does not look at the current North Whidbey Park and Recreation District and North Whidbey Aquatic Club in a negative fashion. You must remember that this is the wrongdoing of one coach, a long time ago.

Although we no longer reside in Oak Harbor, we keep up with what is going on at the pool and with the aquatic club because it was a huge part of our son’s life. We believe that the current staff and board have built a very reputable, professional, strong and healthy environment for the public to enjoy. Please do not look negatively at the swim team or the park district. The current head coach and his staff have built an amazingly strong, professional, respectable team with a safe environment for your children. Remember that not all coaches are like Andy King and you can be sure the current NWAC coach and his staff would never allow anything like this to happen to your children. It is time to keep moving forward.

Janice Hall

Tucson, Ariz.