I’ve been a part of this organization for the past several years and have first-hand knowledge of the vital role it plays in saving Island County citizens’ lives. In my past position as the NASWI Base Command Master, I worked with IDIPIC to reduce the number of DUI’s on base. Since we started base panels, I watched our DUI numbers drop from 75 to 25 within the first two years of the program.
In fact, we were able to convince the Navy’s Drug and Alcohol Program to sponsor our program. They gave us funding for three years at a cost of $10,000 to conduct monthly panels on base and continue to reduce DUIs and be proactive vice being reactive to alcohol related incidents.
I’ve spoken at numerous IDIPIC panels to both young and old attendees to tell how this program has helped me and my family deal with our previous situation regarding DUI victims and survivors. Now, the commissioners want to cancel support for this vital community program. The cost savings would be less the $3,000 per year. Looking at their decision, it just doesn’t make sense, to cut our funding when other, much more costly, programs could be cut. We provide a vital and effective service to our community for minimal cost to the public.
Thank you for allowing me to express my two cents in support of this vital program.
Francis Bagarella
Vice president, IDIPIC