Who can I, concerned citizens and other fishermen contact to express our opinions regarding the proposals to further restrict non-indian fishing without just cause? What actions can you suggest to have an impact against these proposals? Can you get this info placed in the newspaper? I am sure there are many who oppose this and want to know what they can do to prevent it.
The basic reasons for my opposition to the proposals are these: (Note: I can only speak from experience of the Fort Casey / Admiralty Head area.)
1. There are few areas left where a non-boating recreational salmon fisher can have public access to a productive area.
2. This area is predominantly used for seasonal salmon fishing by the vast majority of the public.
3. I have never seen a diver in the area which is fished. (I am an ex-diver and do not believe this is due to concern over being snagged by a buzz bomb. The current is far too strong for divers and the bottom is not scenic. It is the current which holds baitfish near the shore making it a great salmon spot.)
4. Regarding rockfish population declines in this and other areas. The cause would most likely be net fishermen and pollution rather than any impact the salmon fishers have.
5. Finally, I am tired of being discriminated against for being a non-Indian by this state’s government. Especially, when it turns a blind eye to the excesses and abuses of the tribal fishers and appears to be helpless to address them.
David Harrell lives in Oak Harbor
(Editor’s note: The Department of Fish and Wildlife tells the public how to make comments on its Web site at www.wa.gov/wdfw.)