Recreation: Skate park abuses mount

I had no idea when I donated my money that the surfaces of the skate park would be tagged and the city would have to waste resources on covering it, that trash would accumulate in and around the park, that there would be under age drinking, that skaters would trespass through people’s property to get to the park, or that I'd have to listen to disturbances clear up to 2 a.m.

I’d like to see the Whidbey News-Times write an article on the skate park, focusing on the condition of the park. I am all for having a place for the skaters, matter of fact I donated money to the cause.

I had no idea when I donated my money that the surfaces of the skate park would be tagged and the city would have to waste resources on covering it, that trash would accumulate in and around the park, that there would be under age drinking, that skaters would trespass through people’s property to get to the park, or that I’d have to listen to disturbances clear up to 2 a.m.

I hear some of you saying, “He’s obviously very naive,” and I say I was attempting to be supportive of our youth that enjoy skating as well as our business owners that didn’t want skaters on their property. The color of my neighborhood has changed with the addition of the skate park, and not for the better.

I don’t appreciate skaters who attempt to intimidate younger kids, who attempt to intimidate drivers to move out of their way, and who feel it necessary to use foul language to the extent they do. I’m also disappointed that the park draws a bad crowd, and possibly keeps the more responsible users away.

I’m sorry for using a broad brush stroke, but I when you live so close to the disturbance it’s hard to see anything else. Too many times have I walked through trash on the way to the pool or school, too many times have I woke to the sound of loud skaters leaving the park at 1 or 2 a.m, and too many times have I been given a nasty look by skaters.

I realize we do not have enough police to patrol the park, and I know for right now it’s impossible to lock the skate park down — although it should be considered. I DO think it’s time to do something about the abuses before problems grow larger and more serious.

Dave Parks

Oak Harbor