Red Cross gets new director

The Red Cross of Oak Harbor got a facelift on Friday when about half a dozen Whidbey Island NOPF ISCW members cleaned windows, repainted the parking stall lines and added the signature Red Cross symbol to the front of the bright yellow and white building.

TJ Harmon-Fisher helped hold the stencil in place while STG2 Lou Patricio stood on a ladder and traced its outline onto the side of the building.

An island resident for 13 years, Harmon-Fisher is the Red Cross’ newest Executive Director.

Harmon-Fisher first started working as a nurse, but felt she could do more.

“I wanted to expand my opportunities,” she said.

Instead of continuing her career in nursing, Harmon-Fisher decided to go back to school for an Emergency Management degree. Western Washington State University had no such program, so Harmon-Fisher designed her own after the degree program at Northwest Texas University.

“I was one of the first people in Washington state with an Emergency Management degree,” she said.

Five years later she returned to Western Washington State University to develop the program into a professional career curriculum with the assistance of FEMA program templates.

An undergraduate degree program was created, and offered by fall of 2000. The events of 9/11 spiked interest in the program, she said.

“It expanded rapidly after that.”

Harmon-Fisher worked as an internationally certified manager for over 17 years. The certification is a rigorous process, which requires at least five years of related experience, educational components and 200 hours of community service, among other requirements.

She worked for many different kinds of employers, including Island County Emergency Management Services, and most recently, as the regional coordinator for Regional Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response.

“I really wanted to get back to doing something in our own community,” Harmon-Fisher said of her interest in volunteering for the Oak Harbor Red Cross.

And after a month of volunteer work, the Red Cross board of directors asked her to fill a vacant position as executive director.

“TJ brings a fresh approach to fundraising and organization our chapter has needed,” said Erika Miller, chairman of the Red Cross board of directors.

Harmon-Fisher is excited to reconnect with the community and keep her hand in a profession where she can apply her Emergency Manager know-how.

Harmon-Fisher has set several goals in place for the Red Cross. First, she plans to expand public recognition of the role of the Red Cross and what the organization does. Secondly, she hopes to improve customer service to the Oak Harbor Community. And lastly, Harmon-Fisher wants to improve the financial status of the Oak Harbor chapter.

“A lot of people don’t realize this, but the chapter almost closed recently,” she said.

In order to improve the chapter’s financial situation, Harmon-Fisher hopes to recruit more volunteers.

“With more volunteers, hopefully there’s more money,” she said.

Harmon said about 10 community members went to Florida and Texas to participate in hurricane relief efforts. When the volunteers return, Harmon-Fisher plans to have a public presentation of their work in a push to increase interest and improve public recognition of the organization.

“Everyone has a Red Cross story,” she said. “It’s a fun group to volunteer for, but we do real serious things, too.”

Contact the Island County Red Cross Chapter at 675-2912, or stop by the office on 1150 Dock St., in Oak Harbor for more information.