Barack Obama has failed at everything he tried to undertake. Besides almost bankrupting America, do you have any idea how much one trillion dollars is? This administration is spending our children’s and grandchildren’s money. Have you not noticed that every politician he has stumped for, lost?
What about the promise of transparency on C-Span? All deals especially health care deals were made behind closed doors. Special deals for states that withheld their vote until they robbed the taxpayers. Fifty-something czars who are mostly tax cheats and social-communists, which even scares the liberals.
Murray, Larsen, Reid and Spector will all be gone. There is massive unemployment and a de-valued dollar. I could go on and on. Apologizing for our country has weakened our defense with countries who want to kill us. Russia and China think President Obama is a weak leader. Germany’s Prime Minister Merkel moved away from Obama like he had the plague.
I travel to Europe every year and stay with relatives. They are frightened of Russia as Putin will be able to run for president again. They all believe America will not be there when the Russians shut off their heating oil.
Under this president we have failed our allies like Georgia, Poland, Israel and others, while hugging Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Gaddafi and Castro.
William Ludlow
Oak Harbor