Response to errors defines candidate | Letter

My response to the endorsement of my opponent: They use the missteps that have occurred this year as the reason they are endorsing my opponent.


My response to the endorsement of my opponent: They use the missteps that have occurred this year as the reason they are endorsing my opponent.

Election year errors. The worst timing.

My father says, “It is not the error that defines you but your response to it.” My response, “Correct and put plans in place to avoid these situations from reoccurring.”

My accomplishments barely mentioned: Partial Payment program, alliance with the Opportunity Council, decreasing banking costs by 70 percent, elimination of supplement backlog, etc.

Almost all of the accomplishments for which my opponent takes credit were initiated before she was hired; she was the liaison representing my office. She speaks of ensuring reports are delivered in a timely manner, but failed three years running to complete the one report for which she was responsible in the financial statements. Her vision for the future is a copy of what I have already stated.

No original thoughts.

She signed a petition to close OLF Coupeville. She openly stated that she would be personally financially better off if NAS Whidbey were to close. Yet she slaps a “Support Our Troops” sticker on her car to garner the military vote.

As a military spouse and mama, I appreciate the sacrifice and dedication of our service members. I understand that freedom also means sacrifice, whether moving every few years or hearing the sound of freedom overhead.

I have given my heart and soul as treasurer to better serve you. I humbly ask for your faith and vote again.

Ana Maria Nuñez

Island County treasurer

Oak Harbor