“School bond goes to voters” was the headline in last Wednesday’s paper. The Oak Harbor School District board of directors decided to make a go for a newly remodeled and expanded high school. We already told you no by our past votes. I am outraged that you continue with this issue, as was done with the hot lunch program. I don’t have any more money to keep up with your spending habits. Why are there always people out there to come up with issues to spend more money? Our elected officials need to get a reality check on what a budget means.
Please, keep saying no and make them accountable for how they are spending our money. Don’t you see whether it’s federally funded money, it’s still our taxes that we worked hard hours for. Example the hot lunch program. We opened up a can of worms. Not too much more needs to be said, only if all the federal taxes that fund this program or which ever tax named program that this is under. If our elected officials took a look at this program and realized the billions of dollars we spend as a nation so a child can have a box of cereal and glass of milk and a piece of pizza, salad bar and drink. If we as a nation said no more lunch programs we want to change this.
Let each person care for their own meals (the way it should be). We would take those tax dollars and put them in the social security budget. Then the millions who have worked for this time in their life (and paid their own way) would be able to enjoy their remaining years (maybe having better pharmacy coverage), you get the picture. We can make a difference, however, it comes with a cost as always.
Please, I urge you as you work with your budget at home, have the same attitude with our tax dollars. The voting citizen has already said no to the school bond issue. As a citizen for tax accountability, I know our taxes pay our way and give us our life and security with it, our fireman, police, hospital. All of this is needed for life. But the well of reserves is empty and it’s not getting filled as much as what is going out. If you are in a position to make a difference with tax spending and accountability I urge you to make a difference. It is your future and mine. If you are a taxpayer let officials know that we have no more spending money. We have to make do with what you have. Our future depends on it.
This letter is not to offend anyone, I can’t keep up with the taxes anymore. Thank you for letting me share my concern for my future and my children and their children.
Linda Ludlow
Oak Harbor