Dear Scott, Bill and Joyce:
Congratulations, you once again were able to put out lies and mistruths, in both this paper and through your e-mail campaign, in order to get the local community scared that the Oak Harbor School District was being dishonest and lying to the voters, the three of you must be feeling pretty good about yourselves.
Well to the three of you we have two words for you, “YOUR TURN!” Why don’t the three of you put your collective heads together and come up with a plan to put in front of the voters of Oak Harbor. Not just your general $30 million plan with same rate taxes, or whatever it is you guys are always talking about, but a DETAILED plan with drawings and specifics of what would be fixed, replaced and changed.
Then take the time out of your schedule to put this campaign on to get the voters to understand your proposal, do the phone calling, the letter writing and the doorbelling. Try spending more time at a campaign office than at home with your family.
We have heard from opponents of the bond and they all seem to say that they support schools just not this plan; well it’s time to see this in action, put a plan out there and let us vote on it. See what it feels like to spend your volunteered time and then watch election night results come in under the needed super majority. The students of Oak Harbor High School need a facility worthy of the first rate education they are currently receiving, so why don’t you three lead the community to give it to them.
P.S. Lynn and Kathy, you both deserve the gratitude of all citizens of Oak Harbor for your hard work and dedication to the students of Oak Harbor. To both we just want to publicly say, thank you!
Mike Fisher, Bryan Schulle, Brett McLeod
OHHS social studies teachers