School bond: Proposal wastes money

Once again Scott Hornung (Soundoff, Jan. 18) has made the incomprehensible clear and offered alternatives for consideration that the Oak Harbor School Board would do well to take to heart.

Once again Scott Hornung (Soundoff, Jan. 18) has made the incomprehensible clear and offered alternatives for consideration that the Oak Harbor School Board would do well to take to heart.

This is not the first time Mr. Hornrung has recommended restoring the Memorial Stadium to its former status as THE venue for high school sports, and it is still a good idea. And if the transportation (i.e. school bus) facility were relocated to the vacant land near the high school then the stadium could be expanded into a complex for all levels and types of sport competitions, bringing it to the forefront, as he says.

But more important for taxpayers, Mr. Hornung points out the fiscal irresponsibility of the current plan. The projects planned for the bond money have grown in scope and cost without considering other funding mechanisms and, apparently, using bonding authority for items that should be purchased with maintenance and operations dollars. While most of us won’t study the details of school bonds and levy proposals, Mr. Hornrung has, and he identified areas of major concern that justify rejecting this bond proposal and sending it back to the drawing board

We are in favor of supporting our schools but not when tax dollars are not going to be used to best advantage.

James K. Johnston

Oak Harbor