Should call old Form 22W a ‘nondisclosure’ | Letters

Editor, Like many citizens trying to stop Growler jet flights at the Navy’s Outlying Field, I’ve been targeted by those portraying Growler jet noise as the “sound of freedom.” We are accused of having signed “noise disclosures” when our homes were purchased and therefore have no right to complain. Our alleged “prior knowledge” is the linchpin in the argument to keep the OLF open.


Like many citizens trying to stop Growler jet flights at the Navy’s Outlying Field, I’ve been targeted by those portraying Growler jet noise as the “sound of freedom.”

We are accused of having signed “noise disclosures” when our homes were purchased and therefore have no right to complain.

Our alleged “prior knowledge” is the linchpin in the argument to keep the OLF open.

Noise victims like me have claimed that we never signed a noise disclosure or a proper one. Real estate “professionals” are now very rightfully worried about reputations and lawsuits.

When Windermere Real Estate Coupeville offered to check my personal file in their office for a “noise disclosure” late this last December, I agreed.

They found a one page, four-line document I initialed 10 years ago.

This so called “Form 22W” said nothing about jets, or the OLF and only made reference to “airport noise.”

I never have found this worthless form in my closing documents.

According to the director of the Island County Planning Department, what I initialed was not even one of the two documents I should have been given.

Form “22W” has no standing. It is a worthless piece of paper. See: “County officials say Realtors responsible for proper noise disclosure,” Whidbey News-Times, Dec 21.

When Windermere Coupeville found the worthless “22W” in my file, it was sent, without my permission, to Joseph Mosolino, the Windermere owner and managing broker in Freeland.

Mosolino, without my permission, disclosed this information from my file on the Whidbey News-Times’ website.

Clearly, this posting was to discredit those of us who have been critical of jet noise.

It stated that I, as president of Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve, signed a “noise disclosure.”

It failed to mention that what I signed was a useless piece of paper given to me by a Windermere Real Estate agent.

Many of us were given what could best be described as a “nondisclosure.”

So, don’t believe it when you hear that people complaining about jet noise were warned. They weren’t.

And don’t assume that all real estate “professionals” will maintain the confidentiality of your private real estate transactions.

It just isn’t true. They won’t.

Michael Monson, president

Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve

Editors note: Old Form 22W does include language from one of the county’s two noise disclosures.