Skagit Valley College Whidbey Island Campus recognized outstanding students at its annual Honors Reception May 16 at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge.
In addition to awards and departmental honors, 21 scholarships totalling close to $17,000 were awarded to students who are planning to continue their education.
The top honor of the Yates Award, named for Whidbey Island Campus pioneer Admiral Yates, went to Marla Perez.
Perez, of Oak Harbor, was selected for her outstanding academics, leadership, and community work. She started the Angel Tree program and has worked with Make-A-Wish Foundation and Relay for Life.
She was also recognized as a distinguished campus Phi Theta Kappa officer.
Three Oak Harbor students received President’s medals for establishing grade point averages of 3.9 to 4.0 while at SVC. Medalists were Jonathan Hnosko, Randy Nollan, and Glenn Panaguiton
Others honored were:
Carol Huber Award, South Whidbey campus: Linda Murray.
Student Activities Award: Emi Kusanagi.
Learning into Action Award: Dorothy Jacques.
Phi Theta Kappa All Washington Academic Team Medal: Brandon McCartney, president of the Whidbey Island Campus chapter.
Marine Maintenance Recognition: Lawrence Hunt.
Departmental awards
Business: Lora Logan.
Communications/English: Natasha Phillips.
Cooperative Education: Charles Golden.
Computer Information Systems: Randy Nollan.
Developmental Education: Roland Ferris.
Humanities: Tiffany Kiker.
Health Occupations: Jennifer Fullington.
Mathematics: Edward Lao.
Marine Technology: Brian Egner.
Office Business Technology: Cathy Dickerson.
Science: Jon Boe.
Social Science: Jodi Gumataotao.
Student Services: Marla Perez.
Scholarships awarded:
Eaton Hovey Business Scholarship, $1,500: Keilah Oatman.
Boeing and Pacific Energy Association Computer Scholarship, $750: Randy Nollan.
Washington State Retired Teachers Assoc., $500: Stephanie Baumgardner.
Micki Deierlein Scholarship, $700: Carol Gannaway.
North Whidbey Island Sunrise Rotary Club Scholarships, $500 each: Community Service Award, Arlene King; President’s Award, Trevor Lawrence; Ed Samelson Award, Eileen Thompson; Dorothy Neil Award, Justin Hallam.
James P. Bishop Scholarship, 200: Heather McNeil
Whidbey/South Whidbey Foundation Scholarships, 10 scholarships at $1,000 each:
Venessa Cleary, Kristina Ellsworth, Terrel Galloway, Jeremiah Kahler, Pius Mbithi, Rebecca McCarthy, Laurie Miller, Terri Paiz, Cathleen Queeno-Wall, Shelly Scarboro.
C. Harry and Anne Williams Scholarship, $625: Minerva Henson.
Jon and Susan Meyer Law Award, $200: Venessa Cleary.
Achievement Scholarship, $200: Tamara Tiefel.
Multicultural Scholarship, $200: Antonia West.