Our family has just recently lost a husband, father and grandfather (Alan L. Weeks, Capt., USN, Ret.) to a horrible lung disease called emphysema or COPD, caused by smoking. Because of what we witnessed as he lay gasping for a breath of life, and the years before when he struggled to breathe, we wish to plead with those who may, in spite of the extensive warnings, continue to smoke.
Having seen the agonizing suffering it can cause — the slow suffocation, the debilitation and final devastation of the human body, mind and spirit — our family cannot express strongly enough that you firmly commit yourselves to immediately remove this degrading, destructive habit from your lives and the lives of those who love and care about you.
Do not fear not smoking, as many of you do; but only fear the extensive damage to you and your family and the unnecessary, heartbreaking pain that it will cause if you continue. God grant you His strength to do what you know must be done.
Ginny Weeks and The Weeks Family