Basic boating class offered
Beginning Monday, Jan. 5, the Deception Pass Sail and Power Squadron presents a seven day Squadron Boating Course.
Classes will meet every Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. in room 113 of the Whidbey Island campus of Skagit Valley Community College, 1900 SE Pioneer Way.
The course covers boating basics including rules of the road, boating safety, required equipment, navigational aids, radio operations and an introduction to piloting and charting. This course will qualify boaters for the new Washington State safe boating cards when they become available.
Registration for the class and payment starts at 7 p.m. on Jan. 5.
The cost is $25. Spouses or family members who share a set of books and tools are charged $13.
For more information, call Karen Nelson at 679-1991.
Sign up now for Little League
The North Whidbey Little League is opening registration early for the 2009 season.
In recognition of the state of the economy, the discount for registering early has been raised to $25. NWLL hopes every child who wants to play will be able to do so. Registration forms can be found at the following businesses: McDonald’s, Big 5 Sporting Goods, Wendy’s, Dairy Queen and Burger King.
Registration forms may also be found or online at
Soccer club signups begin
The North Whidbey Soccer Club will be starting its soccer signups for recreational and academy soccer beginning Jan. 1.
NWSC is also seeking volunteers to participate on the soccer board and, as always, is looking for coaches. The club will provide training for anyone interested in being a coach.
To sign up, go to
If you have questions, email Ralph Thornton NWSC VP at, or Mike Thornton NWSC DOC/Academy Director at mike@northwest
NWTA winter training camps
This is the time of year when people think it is a time to relax, stay warm and stay inside.
The staff at NorthWest Training Academy announces they are staying inside as well, but they are going to stay warm in a different way and kids should come join the fun.
NWTA is offering training camps this winter for all athletes, including First Kicks for kids ages 3 and 4, a Speed Camp and a soon to be added Futsal. Check it out soon as you could save $10 to $15 per camp if you sign up before Dec. 20.
Come join us while we work off all of the holiday goodies and keep your kids active as well.
For more information, visit
Also, if there is enough interest, NWTA is thinking about having Adult Speed and Agility session.
Email Mike at
Calling skiers and snowboarders
South Whidbey Parks and Recreation’s Snowrider program is now taking registrations for the youth Saturday program and adult Tuesday program — your ride to the mountains this winter. Pickups will be made in Coupeville and South Whidbey, plus an Everett pickup on the Tuesday bus.
Programs are available for youth and adults to get you to the mountain and onto the slopes.
For information, call 360-221-5484, or visit