Stage set for emergency taxing

Island County Commissioner John Dean states, “The situation is no different than a community that has suffered a devastating natural disaster, such as an earthquake. In such situations, governments must prioritize services based on critical needs.”

Island County Commissioner John Dean states, “The situation is no different than a community that has suffered a devastating natural disaster, such as an earthquake. In such situations, governments must prioritize services based on critical needs.”

This financial crisis did not fall upon us like some natural disaster with no warning. I am certainly no genius but myself and many friends read the papers over the past years and realized that there was going to be a huge problem very soon. Why was the inevitable crash such a shock to our government leaders?

Perhaps the more important question is why do we put up with lies and passing the buck so readily? Why do we not demand that our government be run like a business? What do our commissioners do? Of course, they pass a resolution that will generate not one cent but hopefully convinces us that it came out of the blue like, natural disaster, and sets the stage for some emergency taxing.

We should be very angry and demand that every elected official that pretends that this crisis fell from the sky resign. We need to hire leaders as we would chose a business!

“I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.”

Will Rogers.

Ed Jenkins
