State funding package may pay for green buses for Island Transit

Island Transit may receive more than $7 million from the state.

Island Transit may receive more than $7 million from the state to put toward green transportation infrastructure, the agency announced in a press release.

The funds come from a proposed $16 billion transportation funding package Washington state legislators unveiled last week. Though the legislation was still in the early stages as of Thursday evening, Whidbey officials are hopeful about its prospects.

“These proposed investments, when approved by the legislature, will provide community members, transit dependents, and essential workers improved mobility and greater access to opportunities,” stated Beth Munns, Oak Harbor council member and chairperson of the Island Transit Board of Directors.

The transportation package would allot Island Transit $7 million to purchase zero emission vehicles and install the associated infrastructure and $310,000 to construct a staff support facility on Camano Island.

“Island Transit has joined the Federal Transit Administration’s ‘Sustainable Transit for a Healthy

Planet Challenge,’” said Island Transit Executive Director Todd Morrow. “As part of that challenge and Island Transit’s six-year plan, our transit agency is transitioning its bus fleet from traditional diesel- and gas-powered vehicles to those that have zero emissions and less impact on our environment.”