I recently read a story in your paper concerning children crossing the roadway on Midway Boulevard. It brought to mind the children that cross the roadway from North Whidbey Middle School across Highway 20 (not in the crosswalks).
It would seem to me, as you tour different schools around Oak Harbor, that, of all the schools that have fencing to prevent children from just dashing out into the streets at any given point of entry, this school would have just that. I see now that there has been temporary fencing put up, but, temporary is the word. I witnessed a group of children just the other day straddle this temporary fencing and cut across Highway 20, knocking down a section of this fencing.
I would think that if the crossing of school children on Midway Avenue, while escorted by teachers, is treacherous for the children, then the crossing of State Highway 20 unescorted and at random intervals is a child’s death waiting to happen.
Pete Sill
Oak Harbor