Support the ‘people’s voice’

Councilman Paul Brewer has tried to develop Oak Harbor city government into a body which concentrates its resources on improving quality of life for Oak Harbor residents. His efforts have been to present the “voice of the people” into the council meetings and proceedings. However, too many council members and the mayor have been interested primarily in sales tax revenues. Consequently the voice of the people has often been disregarded.

For example, not one of the many projects totaling far more than Oak Harbor can afford from sales tax revenue has been put forward for a people’s vote on a bond issue. These projects continue to consume hundreds of thousands of tax dollars as consultants prepare rosy studies and the desired reports to support more consulting contracts. As mayor, Paul Brewer can and I am convinced will put a stop to this hemorrhaging of our resident tax dollars.

How? By simply bringing most of the projects before a vote of the people to support or not support with a bond issue which is absolutely necessary to complete the project. Finally, we can have financial leadership which the people have needed for a long time.

A conservative estimate would be that over five million tax dollars have been wasted during the past 10 years in various project consulting fees, permitting, studies, etc.

It’s time to put some realistic voter input into this fiasco! A vote for Paul Brewer will change how our tax dollars are spent by bringing the people’s voice into city government.

Jerry Jones

Oak Harbor