The American Red Cross serving Whidbey Island is looki

The American Red Cross serving Whidbey Island is looking for volunteer health and safety instructors. Volunteers should be able to commit to teach a community class during the days, evenings or weekends at least once a month.

Red Cross seeks instructors

The American Red Cross serving Whidbey Island is looking for volunteer health and safety instructors. Volunteers should be able to commit to teach a community class during the days, evenings or weekends at least once a month.

They are looking for volunteers interested in becoming certified American Red Cross instructors in the following areas: First Aid and Adult Infant and Child CPR, AED (Automated External Defibrillation), Babysitting, and HIV/AIDS.

For more information call Volunteer Resource Manager Debbie Banta at 257-2096 or e-mail her at