Those who serve are ones we must respect | Letter

I find myself here on Super Bowl Sunday composing a letter to the editor while listening to the eight-plus hours of talking heads’ use of repetitive superlatives to describe the team members who will face each other on that field of play.


I find myself here on Super Bowl Sunday composing a letter to the editor while listening to the eight-plus hours of talking heads’ use of repetitive superlatives to describe the team members who will face each other on that field of play.

Some of the comments have even equated this to a field of battle rather than a sporting event on a field of play. This inspired a question that on this unofficial holiday of distraction from a more serious world that we inhabit, I did not in my wildest dreams expect to think of.

Why does a person wearing a helmet defending a football receive  greater respect, attention and compensation for effort than a person wearing a helmet defending this country?

Thomas Strang
