Town of Coupeville approved its Six Year Transportation Improve-ment plan that highlights at least three streets that will see work this year.
The town is required to approve its plan each year and any projects listed in the plan are eligible for state funding should it become available. The plan is a “wish list” of sorts for the town.
“We were able to take all of the Madrona (Way) stuff off the list,” said Mayor Molly Hughes. “That was exciting to do. That was a big, big project to check off the list.”
The plan includes an inventory rating of all streets based on the condition of the road and are also eligible for chipseal and overlay grant programs.
Hughes said every street rated as needing overlay is being added to the plan.
Projects that are already planned for completion this year are overlays on Haller, Grace and Center streets.
Also included in the plan is work on Front Street from Main to Gould streets, a South Main Street pedestrian path from Bainbridge Lane to town limits and a right turn lane on North Main Street onto state Highway 20.
“I just think that would be a splendid project,” said Councilwoman Pat Powell.
The list also includes a Fourth Street extension from North Main to Broadway streets.
The more than $1 million project is in future plans and would be jointly paid for between the town and developers.
A North Main Street bus pull-out north of Birch Street and additional sidewalk and pedestrian path connections are also included on the list.
Projects don’t have to be applied for in the order they are listed.