Volunteer to fill the void

I want to offer my thanks to our Island County commissioners for making the hard choices at a very difficult time in our county history. It’s easy to allow the loudest protesters to sway public opinion and create an environment of fear but it takes true courage to stand up for those who do not have the energy to stand up for themselves.

I want to offer my thanks to our Island County commissioners for making the hard choices at a very difficult time in our county history. It’s easy to allow the loudest protesters to sway public opinion and create an environment of fear but it takes true courage to stand up for those who do not have the energy to stand up for themselves.

We worry about safety on our island but safety comes in many forms. The programs provided by Senior Services keep many elderly safe from hunger and neglect. The programs provided by WSU educate our citizens to be better stewards of our island to keep it safe for years to come. No department likes to have their budget cut so severely but our current county officials did not create this shortfall.

It is time for us to stop criticizing and to ask how we can help. Volunteerism saves hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. Instead of carrying a picket sign perhaps we can help carry the load.

Carole Dawes
