Voters OK school levy

It looks like the Oak Harbor School District levy will easily pass, though the counting is not over yet.

It looks like the Oak Harbor School District levy will easily pass, though the counting is not over yet.

As of Friday night, a total of 5,024 people voted in favor of the replacement school levy, while 2,119 residents cast ballots in opposition. That’s nearly a 68 percent margin of victory; a 60 percent majority is required for passage.

Superintendent Rick Schulte said he was thrilled by the early results, though he stopped short of declaring victory. He noted that the turnout was significantly higher than the last levy election.

“It’s very encouraging,” he said. “We’re running well ahead of the levy four years ago.”

While there were 17,229 registered voters in the eligible precincts, 7,480 votes were counted Tuesday.

If passed, the levy measure will replace the expiring levies that partially fund maintenance and operation of the school district. It will generate $1.85 million in 2006. The state will provide matching funds of about $850,000 a year.

The levy will cost property owners 75 cents for every $1,000 in valuation. It funds 20 teachers, 13,00 hours for teacher assistants, 2,600 hours for office assistants, 1.5 maintenance staff, two computer technicians, 3,400 hours for custodians, 4.8 cafeteria staff members, supplies and materials.