Meerkerk Rhododendron Gardens enters its peak bloom season this week. The Greenbank gardens are lush with blooms — and not just the rhodies are blooming — trees and plenty of bulbs are filling beds with color. Today, April 19, the garden celebrates Earth Day and Arbor Day.
Children will get a special treat at the gardens today.
“We also want to get kids inspired by nature and interested in gardening,” Kristi O’Donnell, Meerkerk’s garden manager said. Every kid who comes to Meerkerk will receive a potted tree seedling to plant and nurture at home.
Also today, the garden nursery is open. While many rhododendron hybrids will be on sale, the day will concentrate on “arboreal” or “tree-form rhodies.”
Meerkerk volunteer and rhody hybridizer Frank Fujioka said tree-form rhodies aren’t more difficult to grow. “They may be considered ‘exotics’,” he said. “However, all that means is they need a little bit more shade.” Because arboreal rhododendrons tend to have thicker flower petals, the blooms stay on the shrub longer. “These blooms can be almost waxy,” Fujioka said. “So they can hold water longer.”
These rhododendrons grow rapidly Fujioka said. “They don’t spread vertically,” he said. “But up they go, maybe a foot a year, so they need space.”
Fujioka emphasized that these shrubs need shade to grow and bloom well. “They should be a background plant,” he said.
“Many of these rhodies can be very fragrant,” Fujioka said. “Albatross covers itself with scented, pink blooms. Members of the Loderii group, especially King George, is a fragrant soft pink. Just one will perfume your whole garden,” he said.
Next Saturday, April 26, magic takes over during Meerkerk Magic. The Festival of Flowers is from noon to 4 p.m. and everyone is invited to join the festivities.
Greenbank’s Fairy Princess returns to help the children with creating fairy gardens to take home.
Volunteers will assist in making forest fairies from moss and ferns. Learn about bat and swallow boxes. Learn to sip nectar like a butterfly and hear stories.
Admission is $3 per adult which pays for the care of the gardens.
Children under 12 are admitted free.
Spring for plants
Meerkerk Gardens’ tree-form rhododendron sale is Saturday, April 19; hours will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Kids will receive potted seedlings of maples, dogwoods and conifers to inspire them to get interested in the outdoor world.
There is no admission fee, but donations will be accepted.
Meerkerk is on Meerkerk Lane off Resort Road in Greenbank; call 678-1912.