War: Positions get confusing

Just curious.. If antiwar demonstrators are automatically stupid, ill-informed and "antimilitary," does that mean that people who demonstrate to counter antiwar demonstrations are automatically bright, intelligent and "prowar?"

Just curious.. If antiwar demonstrators are automatically stupid, ill-informed and “antimilitary,” does that mean that people who demonstrate to counter antiwar demonstrations are automatically bright, intelligent and “prowar?” No? Why not? Oh, you’re just out there “supporting the troops,” I see. But wait! It seems to me that if you’re not “antiwar,” then you must be “prowar,” and if you’re “prowar,” then you’re advocating putting our military personnel in harms way! Hmmm, I’m confused.

It also seems to me that of the two choices, the “antiwar” people would in fact, be more “pro-military” than the “prowar” group, because they don’t want to see them, or anyone else harmed. Now I’m really confused.

One last thing… Now that we’ve started a war in order to insure Iraqi oil continues to flow our way, does this mean that it will be OK for say, Samoa, to start a war with New Zealand in order to insure they’ll have unbroken access to green lip mussels? No? Why not? Oh, I see, in order for it to be “the same,” New Zealand would have to be hiding weapons of mass destruction, be tied to known terrorists groups and make threatening gestures towards Samoa? But couldn’t Samoa just make that part up? No? Why not? It seems to have worked for President Bush!

Bob Afenir
