Hillary puts
her nukes up
What on earth is happening? Are people not paying attention to what few substantive things are being said in this presidential campaign? Did people get caught up in the trivia of the latest ABC-sponsored debate and tune out?
Hillary Clinton, when questioned on Iran, actually said that if Iran made any sort of attack on not only Israel, but any other country in the region, she would respond with “massive” military force!
Asked about it the next day, she added that she would use nuclear weapons!
Hillary has always been a hawk in thin disguise; but can you imagine how hawkish she would behave if she became the first woman president? She would make sure to outdo any male, present or past, in to show just how tough a woman president can be at making war.
For God’s sake, everyone left with any sanity, do whatever you can to see that she does not become the Democratic nominee! If the super delegates take the nomination from Obama and give it to Clinton, can you imagine the furious protests by black and new young voters outside the convention in August?! I’ll sure be there.
Patricia Brooks