On a trip to the beach at South Whidbey State Park Wednesday, the students of Calyx School found a gumboot chiton, a large marine mollusk.
Discoveries like this are what the park-based, progressive school is all about.
“We’re not actually teaching,” said Caylx teacher Sarah Gillet. “We’re making an educational setting that is the best educational experience.”
“Children learn best in environments were they can play and ask questions.”
Now in its third year, Caylx School moved into the South Whidbey State Park ranger house in September. The home-turned-school, vacated last year due to budget cuts, is shared by Calyx as well the organizations SEA — Service, Education, Adventure — and the Friends of South Whidbey State Park.
With a focus on the environment and using the state park as its “classroom,” Caylx School is the newest partner of the larger Whidbey Eco Network with the aim of collaborating with other environmental groups and organizations.
The school’s motto: “Whidbey waters are in your hands.”
Stewardship of the park and its shoreline is part of what is taught to Caylx students, a message that they are trying to get to the public at large.
Whidbey Eco Network is an umbrella organization of individuals and organizations on Whidbey Island working to save Puget Sound and educate on sustainability issues. They are one of a dozen Eco Networks throughout Puget Sound that collaborate on a comprehensive vision to recover the vitality of the waters by engaging the public in understanding the issues facing the Puget Sound.
Whidbey Eco Network partners include the Orca Network, Pacific Rim Institute, Whidbey Island Conservation District and the Washington State University Beach Watchers.
The local organization’s new website www.whidbey-eco.net is intended to be a one-stop informational site for all things environmental on Whidbey, according to program director Susie Richards who also coordinates the SEA program.
“What’s going on in our world is scary to some people,” Richards said. “We’re offering a positive way to empower people to do something about their environment.”
One of their key messages are educating people on the effects of microplastics, small pieces of plastic that are used in some brands of toothpaste, facial scrubs and other products.
In addition, Richards said, dog feces is one of the largest pollutant of the Puget Sound and educating people on the importance of poop scooping is key.
“Getting all these groups together is a community-based way to get out these critical messages.”
“And through individual actions at our homes and businesses, we can make a difference in the future of the health of the Sound that our children will inherit,” he said.
Through “Pub Talks” and other events, Whidbey Eco Network members provide information, education and assistance on composting, septic systems, rain gardens, porous pavement, car wash soap, beach clean-ups, natural yard care, pet waste and manure management.
“Ask us. We’re here to help,” Richards said.
The next Pub Talk series by the WSU Beach Watchers, entitled “What’s so special about Whidbey Island?” will be held at 7 p.m. Jan. 1, 14 and 21 at Ciao Restaurant in Coupeville.
For those interested in joining Whidbey ECO Network, email whidbey.econet@gmail.com or visit www.whidbey-eco.net