Whidbey family program seeks volunteers

Mother Mentors, a project of the Readiness to Learn Foundation, supports mothers, fathers and other primary caregivers of young children by providing families with trained volunteer mentors, free of charge. Train to be a volunteer Saturday, March 10 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Mother Mentors, a project of the Readiness to Learn Foundation, supports mothers, fathers and other primary caregivers of young children by providing families with trained volunteer mentors, free of charge. Train to be a volunteer Saturday, March 10 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

New parents, babies and young children thrive on love, care and support. Mother Mentors provides that care to families by bringing volunteers and families together.

When parenting a baby, it’s easy to feel isolated, especially when living far from family. Navy families face particular challenges when one partner is deployed. Many parents are tired and stressed and struggle with how to manage it all.

Mother Mentors is active on the South end of the island but the North end needs volunteers.

For information and directions to the training location, email wamothermentors@gmail.com or call 279-5514 or 360-221-0484.