Whidbey Island Almanac is in the works

The Whidbey Island Almanac, published annually by the Whidbey News-Times and South Whidbey Record, will be distributed early next year. To have your club or organization listed in the 2012 version of the Almanac, email your meeting dates and contact information to jlarsen@whidbeynewstimes.com. If you are satisfied with your listing in the 2011 Almanac, no action is required.

The Whidbey Island Almanac, published annually by the Whidbey News-Times and South Whidbey Record, will be distributed early next year.

To have your club or organization listed in the 2012 version of the Almanac, email your meeting dates and contact information to jlarsen@whidbeynewsgroup.com. If you are satisfied with your listing in the 2011 Almanac, no action is required.

The Almanac is a popular compilation of Whidbey Island information useful to newcomers, island residents and their guests. For information on advertising contact Advertising Manger Le Anne Mozes at lmozes@soundpublising.com.