Barry was born in Lewisburg Tennessee to Clyde Mayes and Martha (Clay) Woodward.
He was preceded in death by his parents and older sister Maysene (Woodward) Henson.
He served a combined 20 years in the military. First in the Navy then retiring out of the Air Force. He was also a Vietnam Veteran.
Barry is survived by his wife of 60 years,Vera AnnWoodward, daughter Heather (Woodward) Siron, Son-in-law Chad Siron and grandchildren Jacob and Lily Siron of Marysville, Wa.
He is also survived by his younger brother RandyWoodward and several nieces and nephews.
A big thank you to Shawn, Henry, and Dickson of Saron Adult Family Home of Marysville, Wa who took good care of him for the last 3 years of his life.
The family held a private memorial scattering of ashes at the beach.
At a later date, He will be inurned with Military Honors at Tahoma National Cemetery in Kent, WA.
We love and miss him so much.