Hopes city will find way to attract businesses | Letters

Oak Harbor is fast becoming a ghost town with so many new business closures around town. It was good to see this problem addressed in Saturday’s edition.


Oak Harbor is fast becoming a ghost town with so many new business closures around town.

It was good to see this problem addressed in Saturday’s edition.

I hope the City Council will find ways to attract new business. We have a beautiful waterfront location that could be made attractive with shops that would bring in the tourist and locals.

But to attract the people, you need to offer a good product, such as Chris’ Bakery did some years ago.

Like Mr. Jensen said in the article, “We need serious people, not ones that want to play around at running a business.”

We could use some excellent restaurants, not the mediocre kind that are gone in a few months. We had Eileen’s Kitchen Shop on Pioneer Way, which was an asset to our town, but the locals did not support her and it closed.

Let’s hope that Oak Harbor will, in future years, be a thriving community with attractive shops that will keep the locals shopping here and bring tourist that will want to spend their money, as well.

Jeanne Karras

Oak Harbor