Opinions about how the Whidbey Island Public Hospital District performs its job, and on decisions that it has made, have been plentiful and varied over the years.
Even the 7 a.m. weekday meeting time has raised the hackles of those wanting a greater voice in the decision-making process.
Yet, with a seat on the board now vacant, those voices have fallen silent. Not a single candidate has come forward to fill the vacancy created with the departure of board president Ann Tarrant.
It’s time to step up.
It’s time to put action to words and for a community member to step up and help make decisions about how local tax dollars are being spent.
It’s also an opportunity for electing a representative interested in increasing transparency on the hospital board. That means it’s possible for the next board member to help bring about needed change.
To qualify for the hospital board seat, applicants must be a registered voters and residents of District No. 5, roughly northeast Whidbey Island. The district stretches south from the Deception Pass Bridge to the intersection of Crescent Harbor Road and Regatta Drive in Oak Harbor.
The hospital board oversees policies and organization of WhidbeyHealth Medical Center and its other clinics and services.
Right now is a particularly pivotal time for the public hospital district as a new $50-million wing funded by taxpayers rises adjacent to the existing facility.
Interested applicants must commit to at least two committee meetings per month and attend hospital board meetings, currently held monthly at 7 a.m. The current board of hospital commissioners will interview candidates in public and select a replacement. Their appointment is effective only until the next regular election for public hospital commissioners, which takes place in November 2017.
To learn more, including a detailed description of the duties and responsibilities of board members, contact Ron Wallin, District secretary and District 3 Commissioner, email to wghdistrict3@whidbeygen.org
This appointment is a chance to be an instrument of change, an opportunity that would be a shame to squander.