I’ve heard lots of dismal news about the pandemic, the public health crisis, the economic disaster, a lot of people are sick, or out of work, or trying to work with kids at home. People are suffering.
Yet, at the same time, there are a lot of positive things going on. People are reaching out — from 6 feet away— to get to know and help their neighbors. More folks are out walking and biking, getting health benefits and enjoying their surroundings. Bird watching has taken off as a competitive sport.
Yesterday, my neighbor told me about a woman electrician. She wears a face mask as is required at her job. But being the only woman among many men in her workplace, she applies bright red lipstick to hers at the start of each day.
Way to rock the face mask.
Gov. Jay Inslee made face masks mandatory when in public. Some people with real creativity and style, are coming up with amazing face shields and masks that reflect their unique, fun-loving personality.
You could wear a tie-dyed bandanna or an edgy dark one.
One man I saw wore a face mask with a handsome goatee painted on it. He probably hadn’t shaved in a week.
The cashiers at the grocery store decorated their face shields with flowers on top or giant eyebrows. I suppose you could add antennae, or hearts, or Yoda ears. It’s hard to tell while I’m wearing my face mask, but this makes me smile. I want to give you all a big virtual hug for helping our community stay safe and strong and open for business.
I work for Island Transit and wear a face mask both in the office building and whenever I’m on the bus.
Island Transit works hard to keep the buses clean, and has a new schedule starting July 6 with more frequency on our most popular routes to allow proper distancing.
Face masks are required on the buses now, as it’s a public place. So we’re offering free face masks for our riders. We have the common blue papery ones, as well as some styling neck gaiters that come in lots of colors and patterns. You can wear them as a scarf until you come on the bus. Then you just pull it up over your nose and mouth to be safe and courteous and smart. They’re a fashion accessory.
Rock the face mask with whatever style you choose.